This is not my first Mitch Albom book. I have read several of his other books including Five People you Will Meet in Heaven and Tuesdays with Morrie. I liked those as well as this new one.
The book takes place in a small town on Lake Michigan. It is your typical small town with the usual businesses and a mayor who is also the bank manager. Nothing really happens there until one day several people started receiving phone calls from loved ones. There is nothing really unusal about this except that these calls were from the after life, from heaven. The calls went to specific people who due to the death of their loved one was having difficulties moving on. So the calls were welcomed. Why wouldn't they be.
The book follows the people who have received the calls and how it impacts them. It also follows the impact the calls have on the entire town. There is one person who has recently lost his wife and is having a very difficult time getting on with his life. He does not receive a call and is outraged that this is going on. Not really becuase he has not received a call but because he does not believe the calls are real. Someone is creating this hoax and he is going to get to the bottom of it. He does and he doesn't.
There are a lot of books on the market right now about heaven. I read and talked about the book Heaven is for Real which by the way has been made into a movie and will be released soon. After reading this books it certainly makes me wonder about the concept. All I hope is that after life there is a peaceful place for our spirit to go.
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