This is what my book club is read for this month, the first month of the New Year. It takes place in the mid 1980's when Aids was not as well understood as it is now. June is a fourteen year old teeanager who is a loner. Her best friend is her Uncle Finn who is her Mom's younger brother. He is a painter and he is dying from Aids. In fact he dies from Aids shortly into the novel. There is a rift between June and her sister Greta which the reader learns is due to the jealousy that Greta feels becaues of this friendship with Finn, a friendship she was not part of. Finn has opened up a fantastic world for June but what June doesn't realize is she does not know Finn quite as well as she thought she did. For example, she new nothing of Finn's partner who reaches out to her after his death.
One of the last things the Uncle does is paints a portrait of June and Greta. He calls it Tell the Wolves I Am Home. I will let you draw your own conclusions as to why the author chose this title. I think it was very appropriate.
The author briefly discusses the effect this disease and subsequent death of the character on each of the family members but focuses on June and Finn relationship as well as the one she develops with Toby Finn's partner. It really is a well written book that I enjoyed. I am glad I it was the first one I read 2014.
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