Sunday, July 31, 2016

In the Summertime when the weather is Fine.

Image result for summer time

It is summer. It is hot.  This year we have not been able to take a beach vacation. Sad I know. My deck is a toasty 99 degrees no thank you. I thought of getting one of those kiddie pools but there are no kiddies home this summer and I don’t need a mosquito magnet. Thank you very much.
I really haven’t been in the mood to tackle anything deep or meaningful.  What I mean by meaningful is non-fiction or fiction with a heavy duty theme like death and dying.  I seemed to have gravitated towards those this past year.  I have that in real life who needs to read about it right now.  So I have been reading romances and thrillers which I have found to be extremely satisfying.
I have read some that were good and some that were ok.  I will share them with you. You make your own decision.