Friday, May 1, 2020

Gardening in the time of COVID

Lettuce day 1

I spend my lunch break surfing the web for interesting articles to read.  Gardening was never a big thing for me because I have a brown thumb meaning most of my plants dies.  You should have seen how many basil plants I killed last year.  I was heart sick because I love cooking with fresh basil and making fresh pesto.  My web surfing paid off.

For years, really all my adult life, when I cut up a head of lettuce I would throw away the ends.  Little did I know that there are 20 Vegetables you can grow from scraps.  It just so happens that lettuce is one of these vegetables. My husband and I eat a lot of salads.  During this COVID Pandemic we are trying to eat as healthy as possible. Last night we had a wonderful salad with warm salmon and feta.

Growing lettuce was top of my list to try and grow.  I didn't think it was possible to grow it from scraps.  Actually, I thought is was possible to do it but I didn't believe I could do it. 

I have very little success gardening  again the brown thumbs issue. Then I thought what the heck.  I am going to try it. Hazzah my lettuce stump sprouted little shoots.  It's a little hard to see in the photo below, but take my word they are there.  I am optimistically cautious that it will grow and I will take you along on my journey. So check back to see how my little plant is doing.  I am about to plant it in dirt.  

Check out the link above to see the how too's. Supposedly sweet potatoes and carrots can be grown this way as well.  I am going to give it a try.

Lettuce day 5

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