Monday, May 25, 2020

Escaping to the Mountains in the Time of COVID

The COVID restrictions had been eased a bit.  Governor Hogan and Northam moved to stage one of recovery.  I hadn't seen my daughter since Christmas so I decided to head to Southwest Virginia.  We didn't want to be inside because the sun actually decided to shine for a while. Since we were still not ready for prime time, we took a drive up to Mill Mountain Park. 

We found a walking trail that passed though a wildflower garden. The greenery was beautiful but there weren't very many flowers yet due to the cold May that we are experiencing.  I still found some pretty flowers and I thought I would share a few with you.

One of the neat things we found among the greenery was this time capsule that was created in 1976.  Based on the date noted of 2076, I am assuming there are plans to retrieve the time capsule then.  I love time capsules.  As intended they give you a great snapshot of the past.

The day turned out to be a welcomed reprieve to the last several months of being confined to my house.

1 comment:

  1. Although few in number the fowers were beautiful. It does the soul good to get out in nature!
