Sunday Notes on Sunday
So if you have been reading my blog by now you know that every Sunday I play this little game with myself. On Sunday the first section that I read of the Washington Post is the Outlook section, it contains the book section. I go to the last page and read the Washington Bestseller list. This week the bestseller list focused on Hardcovers but it alternates between paperbacks and hardcover. You can check my scoring system on the May 6th post.
Usually I post this on Monday but I thought I would mix it up a bit and post this on Sunday. I must admit I fell down on my reading pace last week. Work was crazy and I came down with a summer cold. I hate summer colds. Oh heck I hate colds altogether. After work each day I came home and fell asleep. I hope to pick up the pace again this week. I do have some posts in the works and I am finishing a great book now so please check back this week to read about it. It really is well written and thought provoking. In fact it is my favorite read of the summer. Also for all you who read and enjoyed Tailspin and The Maze check out my post on Bombshell.
I am happy to say I have met my goal this week of having read at least three books on the list. The books are Inferno, Gone Girl and Bombshell. I found the number one book interesting. It is The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Gaibraith. This book if you don't know already is "ghost" written by J.K. Rowling which means she wrote it under a name other than her own. I am sure she was hoping to keep the fact that she actually wrote the book from the public a little longer but there is always someone out there who somehow finds out and then like a bat out of hell the information is all over the place. Gotta love the internet. Gotta love social media.
I find it interesting that she would do something like this but I do understand it. After writing a seven books that were mega hits it really is hard to repeat something like that and she didn't when she wrote The Casual Vacancy. While The Casual Vacancy was well written it was quite frankly boring but J.K. Rowling is a writer and I can understand why she would want to test the waters before jumping in first. In fact I was reading an online review and the first sentence was " A brilliant debut mystery in a classic vein.....". That must have made her happy. What it made me is curious and of course I will be downloading this book onto my kindle to read and I am hoping that this book is better than her other because I love J.K. Rowling's.
Check out the books below by clicking on them

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