This year I have decided to make jam. Don't ask me why. I was walking in the supermarket near my office and there was the pectin and the ball jars. Oh yes and of course the fruit. The strawberries are delish this year. I was at my book club meeting and mentioned that I was preparing myself for this undertaking and I got solid encouragement. Thank you ladies. Thus the book. I need guidance on water baths and recipes. There is definitely a technique for this type of cooking and I hope I get it!
I am thinking strawberry preserves and if that works I will try peach and marmalade. This book contains lots of recipes and tips on how to can. I hope I am up for the challenge.
If I get really ambitious I will try apple butter. I have made apple butter before and I have to say it was a big disappointment. It came out more like apple sauce than apple butter. If anyone has a great and easy recipe for apple butter I am all ears. I will keep you posted on the outcome.
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