Sunday Notes on Monday
So last week I told you that I have started to play this little game with myself. Every Sunday the first section that I read of the Washington Post is the Outlook section, it contains the book section. I go to the last page and read the Washington Bestseller list. This week the bestseller list focused on Hardbacks but it alternates between paperbacks and hardcover. To see how I score my game you can check out my Sunday Notes on Monday from May 5th.
Sadly, I scored no better this week than last week and I received no bonus points for non-fiction. My score was a 2 out of 10 having read the number 8 book, Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts. Check out my blog on this book that was published May 25th. I also read and blogged about the number 10 book Gone Girl.
However, I did find several books that I have added to my must read list. I have already added The Hit by David Balducci. As you might know from reading my prior posts I loved The Forgotten and Zero Day. Both have Robert Puller as the main character. By the way these both make great beach reads if you haven't read them already.
Also added to my list is A Delicate Truth by John Le Carre and Inferno by Dan Brown.
One book that I will be blogging on within the next two weeks is Grand Central: How a Train Station Transformed America. I grew up in New York and Grand Central is an awesome place.
You can also check out my post on Come Home a murder mystery. Both these posts will be released in early June. Check out the books below if you are going on vacation or you just have some spare time to read. You can load up your kindle! Just click on any of the books and it will direct you to amazon.

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