Friday, May 31, 2013

An Iney or an Outey

I love to entertain.  I remember growing up my parents would always have dinner parties.  They had many friends and I remember once a month they would meet with their Friends Club as they called it. This friends club consisted of friends my Mom had known as a young girl.  I mean we are talking elementary school or at least that was the core group.  The men kind of came along for the ride and I think they ultimately became friends as well.  Other couples came along later. 

When it was my parent’s turn to host it was a big deal in our house.  My Mom would go to Ebinger’s Bakery which unfortunately went out of business in 1972.  They had a killer chocolate cake that had chocolate pudding and a heavy moist chocolate cake.  The pudding was not in the cake it was actually between the layers and used as the frosting.  And then as if it couldn’t get any better, the cake was crumbled and sprinkled on the top and sides.  There was a little bit of heaven in each bite. I have provided the links for the cake and a short history of the bakery below.

For those who did not like chocolate, as if, my Mom also bought one of their spectacular Lemon Meringue pies.  If we were lucky we got a piece if there were any leftovers.  This was a big treat because dessert was not a staple on our dinner menus.  My Mom and I were constantly on diets.  My Dad and brother got off easy, they never seemed to gain a pound.

One of the other memorable aspects of this event was how my Dad set the table.  He is a master at presentation.  He once told me that when he and my Mom were first married and they entertained they had a limited budget so they made their table look as spectacular as possible so no one would pay that much attention to the food.  It was all about the experience.

This Friend’s Club became our family.  They were like Aunts and Uncles, there for all the good times and the sad times.  I can honestly say I love them all.

So recently there was an article in the Post (link below) about entertaining outside.  I have always had mixed emotions about dining al Fresco.  On the one hand, if you get a beautiful night entertaining under the stars is wonderful.  On the other hand if it is too hot and humid as is typical in DC you can swelter or get eaten by bugs or both.

So I have several dinner parties planned and I will have to make my decision whether to dine under the stars or in the climate controlled venue of my home.  Either way my table will look great thanks to the tutelage of my parents.  

A link for the recipe for Ebinger’s Blackout Cake or something close to it

 A link for the recipe for Ebinger’s

A link for Washington Post article

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Peanut, Peanut Butter and Jelly or Jam

Well I said I would do it and so I did. My first batch of Jam was the Strawberry Orange jam from the Jam book I recently blogged about.  I had fun making it and I have included a photo of my jam.  All in all I think it turned out pretty good.  I can tell you that it tastes great with Peanut Butter. 

 I think that I will probably try to make Peach jam when peaches are in season and Apple Butter in the Fall.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What Happened to Flying the Friendly Skies

It is already a struggle to travel by plane.  There is the nightmare of getting through the airport.  You have to remove your shoes, take off your jewelry go through a scanner or worse get pulled out of line and get scanned with a wand.  Oh and then there is the full body scan.  The joke is on everybody if I need to get a body scan. Unfortunately for them I am not some curvaceous leggy blonde.  

Any way there was an article in the Sunday May 12th Washington Post travel section written by Christopher Elliot which pointed out all the fees airlines are now tagging on.  Change fees came about when the non refundable tickets were born.  It's been awhile so no one notices those fees and everyone is just resigned to them.  The one difference was that fees use to be around 50 dollars which at the time was a lot but not as bad as the $200 airlines started charging recently. Really!  

In today’s world when availability of flights is online and at a person's fingertips and there is not even person to print a new ticket and give or send it to you what kind of overhead costs are we talking here.  Furthermore, there really aren’t any human beings to talk to who would make the changes for you.  Have you tried to call an airline lately?  THERE IS NO ONE TO TALK TO AND HELP YOU. You simply go on line do all the leg work yourself and print your ticket confirmation and your boarding pass. IT might become cheaper just to buy a new ticket.

What really surprises me is that there actually are some humans that show up at the gate or a ticket counter in the airports. And if the airline figures out a way to replace them we might not see any humans employed by the airlines. 

Boarding might go something like this: Good Afternoon passengers, whatever airline would like to welcome you. We are ready to board so will everyone just make a bee line to the queue and scan your boarding pass at the scanner by the gate. Please try not to trample each other. Your pilot today is Roby the Robot.  There are no other crew members since there will be no food or drinks served on this transatlantic flight. We would like to mention that use of the bathrooms on this flight are still free but don’t count on that forever. The emergency procedures will be reviewed on a monitor that will drop from the overhead compartment prior to take off.  And we would just like to thank you for choosing our airline to fly with today.  Just remember resistance is futile. 

Now they are talking about charging for carry-on bags.  That is so wrong on so many levels. Other than the greedy need for revenue why do this? The answer is simply that the airlines have become greedy, do not care about customer service and here is the big answer, because they can.  There is nothing from stopping them from doing it. So now if you are going away for a few days and are travelling light and want to save a little to be used at your destination, NOT !!You may be charged a fee. 

Oh and you business travelers if there are any of you left, you are going to pay for it because not only is it convenient for you to carry on your luggage it saves you time to do so. Time is money.  Who can afford to wait 30 minutes for the baggage carousel to start winding its way around only to find yours is the last piece of luggage to hit the belt?  Meanwhile you have lost a minimum of an hour which is worth more than having to decide whether to pay the fee or not. 

Wouldn't it  be funny (and I say this with much sarcasm) if the airlines started charging a carry on fee to passengers who bring their own food and beverages onto the plane to avoid having to buy their lousy bologna and white bread sandwiches  available for purchase on the flight . 

All you vacationers add the fees into your budget.  For a large family travelling it could add up to an extra ticket per person. Oh and Moms your diaper bags cha chink. And the dilemma is what can a person do?  Can we, Jane the traveler start an email chain saying nobody travel on a certain day and planes fly empty or at least emptier.  It certainly is a thought.  It certainly would make a statement. 

So much for flying the friendly skies!  The best that you can hope for is that the security measures at the airport really do work and you land safely.  Maybe you will even get a little shut eye on the plane so there is no baggage under your eyes.

Just in case you are interested see Christopher Elliot’s article.  Here is the link.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hold the Pickles Hold the Lettuce

Who doesn’t like McDonalds?  If you don’t you are in the majority.  I grew up in Oceanside, NY and in addition to the second original Nathan’s (the original one is in Coney Island) we actually had a McDonalds.  And here is the thing that blew me away about this McDonalds, my Mom actually let us eat there, occasionally. Ok very occasionally but that was really something for us because she wouldn’t let us eat any junk food. She was wise beyond her years.


The McDonalds then was absolutely nothing like the McDonalds now.  The menu was very limited.  Here is what it was: hamburger, cheeseburger, fries, coke and milkshakes.  And there were no special sauces and none of that hold the pickles hold the lettuce crap.  Each hamburger or cheeseburger had mustard, ketchup and pickles.  Eat it or scrap it off. Since 2007 McDonald's has expanded 2007 McDonalds menus has expanded by 70% to a whopping (not whopper) 145 menu items.   For some I have some sad news for you there is plans to downsize the menu.  I hope for your sake it is not one of your favorite items.  Mine is still the cheeseburger and I am so glad that I can ask for one with just ketchup because I hate pickles and mustard on my cheeseburger.  Aren’t you glad we live in more accommodating times?  Read all about it on this link to

And just for laughs and giggles the picture I have included above looks just like the one in Atlantic Avenue in my hometown. So much for dining in and a play area for kids!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sunday Notes on Monday Whats on the bestseller list

Sunday Notes on Monday

So last week I told you that I have started to play this little game with myself. Every Sunday the first section that I read of the Washington Post is the Outlook section, it contains the book section. I go to the last page and read the Washington Bestseller list. This week the bestseller list focused on Hardbacks but it alternates between paperbacks and hardcover. To see how I score my game you can check out my Sunday Notes on Monday from May 5th.

Sadly, I scored no better this week than last week and I received no bonus points for non-fiction.  My score was a 2 out of 10 having read the number 8 book, Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts.  Check out my blog on this book that was published May 25th. I also read and blogged about the number 10 book Gone Girl.

However, I did find several books that I have added to my must read list.  I have already added The Hit by David Balducci.  As you might know from reading my prior posts I loved The Forgotten and Zero Day.   Both have Robert Puller as the main character. By the way these both make great beach reads if you haven't read them already.

Also added to my list is A Delicate Truth by John Le Carre and Inferno by Dan Brown.

One book that I will be blogging on within the next two weeks is Grand Central: How a Train Station Transformed America.  I grew up in New York and Grand Central is an awesome place.
You can also check out my post on Come Home a murder mystery.  Both these posts will be released in early June.  Check out the books below if you are going on vacation or you just have some spare time to read.  You can load up your kindle! Just click on any of the books and it will direct you to amazon. 


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Skinny Dip

Anyone who knows me knows I will not go on a cruise.  I can’t even walk up to a cruise ship without breaking out in a cold sweat and having a panic attack.  The recent events with the Carnival Triumph and other mishaps at sea further my conviction that I’ll Never ever, ever get on an ocean cruise ship.  The jury is still out on those river cruises in Europe.  That is still a possibility because you can still see land and there is no traveling on the ocean where there are waves, big ones that make me want to toss my cookies and I don’t mean Oreos.


Skinny Dip is a book about a woman who goes overboard due to her slim bag husband.  He tosses her because she just might know too much about his business.  Thank goodness for her that the slim bag did not have cement shoes made for her and she managed to survive and get plucked out of the water by ex cop Mike.  Oh and she just happened to be a champion swimmer which certainly helped A LOT.

She decides to “stay dead” and mess with her husband.  This book is just plain fun.  The author has a really good sense of humor.   It is not a new book, so if you missed it go back and read it.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Whiskey Beach

Romance with an R written by one of what I consider the most prolific writers of the genre and that would be none other than Nora Roberts.  I have blogged about her before. Fact, she has written 209 Romance novels, no small feat.  And for all you Marylanders she was born in Silver Spring and still lives in the state of Maryland.

This book is kind of more of the same of her books.  Again she sticks to a formula and it seems to work ‘cause I seem to keep reading her books.  I read this book Mother’s Day.  It took me just one day and it is 496 pages.  It is not a profound read.  It is a murder romance. 

Eli is a very formidable and successful lawyer who has found out that his wife is cheating on him.  They are going through a very acrimonious divorce.  He goes back to the house they once shared to get a ring that had belonged to his grandmother and who does he find with her skull bashed in, why Lindsey of course.  He calls 911 and after that his life A police detective starts making his life hell.  So far I am really not giving anything away believe me.

Bluff House on Whiskey Beach has been in his family forever.  In fact the family just happens to have made its fortune in the whiskey business.  And of course there are stories about the house and the family that are a little interesting. For Eli, it is a sanctuary where he goes to try and heal. And there he decides he will find Lindsey's killer not for her mind you but for him.

Eli meets Abra (short for Abracadabra, a little corny but what the heck) there a sort of free spirit  who helps to ease his aching heart and now I really can’t say too much more.  If you like Nora Roberts’ stuff you will probably like this one.  It’s ok, I like reading her books because it helps me relax.  I really don’t have to think at all. Sometimes that is not a bad thing right?

Nora Roberts

Here is Nora Roberts official site

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Wurst is Yet to Come

I was browsing kindle titles which I do fairly regularly and I happened upon this book today.  The title caught my eye and the $1.99 price tag sealed the deal.  I have downloaded it and will let you know how I like it so stay tuned.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Joys of Jams, Jellies and other Sweet Preserves

This year I have decided to make jam.  Don't ask me why.  I was walking in the supermarket near my office and there was the pectin and the ball jars.  Oh yes and of course the fruit.  The strawberries are delish this year.  I was at my book club meeting and mentioned that I was preparing myself for this undertaking and I got solid encouragement.  Thank you ladies.  Thus the book.  I need guidance on water baths and recipes.  There is definitely a technique for this type of cooking and I hope I get it! 

I am thinking strawberry preserves and if that works I will try peach and marmalade. This book contains lots of recipes and tips on how to can.  I hope I am up for the challenge. 

 If I get really ambitious I will try apple butter.  I have made apple butter before and I have to say it was a big disappointment.  It came out more like apple sauce than apple butter.  If anyone has a great and easy recipe for apple butter I am all ears.  I will keep you posted on the outcome.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hurry, Hurry Read All About It Twinkies are back!

Hurry, Hurry read all about it, Twinkies and Ho Ho’s are back. Thank God. For awhile there I was a little distraught. Twinkies and the Hostess line of delectable cakes that appeared in so many lunchboxes of the kids I grew up with are coming back. Who can forget the hostess cupcake?  By now you all know how obsessed I am with cupcakes having blogged about them before.
Not that they ever appeared in my lunchbox since I lived on a permanent diet but they were always in my brother’s lunchbox and my friends’ lunchboxes. But whose lunchbox they did or did not appear in is not the point, the point is that they faced extinction like the dinosaur and that was a thought that just made me sad. But according to the article in USA Today (link below) they will make their appearance back on the market in July. Oh Joy!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday Notes on Monday

Sunday Notes on Monday

I have started to play this little game with myself. Every Sunday the first section that I read of the Washington Post is the Outlook section, it contains the book section. I go to the last page and read the Washington Bestseller list. This week the bestseller list focused on paperbacks but it alternates between paperbacks and hardcover.

The top ten books are spotlighted in each category, fiction and non-fiction. The rules of my game are to have read 30% of the books on the fiction list, ten are listed. So I get one point per book and I give myself a bonus point for each book after the 3 and I get a bonus point if I read any of the non-fiction.

As with last week, I have read two books the number 1 book The Great Gatsby and the number 7 book Beautiful Ruins which I blogged about on May 11th. I get a bonus point for the book Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail which I blogged about on April 3.  Once again I have fallen short from the goals I set for myself.  Based on my rules of the game I did not meet my goals of reading 3 out of ten of the top fiction bestsellers. But here is the thing, there was nothing on the paperback bestseller list that I want to read. That is actually sadder to me than not meeting my 30% target.

One book that is the number 1 non-fiction bestseller is Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife.  This title fascinates me so I am adding this one to my list and will get back to you on that one.  The idea of Heaven has always been a topic of conversation for me.

This week I decided to stray form the Washington Post Bestseller list and expand out to the New York Times list.  There are two books on the non fiction bestseller list that I have read and blogged about.  Wild as mention before and Bossypants by Tina Fey. If you haven't read these books I suggest you do they are both very good.

On the Times paperback fiction list I have read two the number 8 book Gone Girl (check out my 12/11/12 post) and 7 Whiskey Beach.  I will be posting a blog on Whiskey Beach this week so stay tuned. Until next Monday!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sweet Salt Air

To be released June 18th


Good story behind this book.  Many moons ago when my daughter was in elementary school (Not really that many moons but it sounds like a good way to begin) I was the chair person for the used book sale at my daughter's school.  I got this idea that I would contact the book publishers and see if they would contribute books.  OMG some actually did! Thank you Random House. In addition to the books I was placed on some of their newsletters and mailing lists. 

Several months ago I received a newsletter. One of the publishers St Martins Press was looking for book clubs to preview this book so I entered on behalf of my book club thinking no way.  OMG we were chosen to preview the book. It was really fun! As always we sat, had a wonderful dinner, kudos to our hostess (who made a dinner that was delish) and some very animated discussion. 


This qualifies as one of my summer reads and of course it is a romance novel. It is definitely written for the female audience. I think I speak for all of us when I say that the book is a good beach read and that it would make a great lifetime movie.  This is the type of book that you can’t say too much without revealing too much of the story.  But I will say this much Charlotte and Nicole were best friends who spent every summer on Quinnipeague.  I googled this and it does not appear to exist but it made a great setting for the book.  I grew up on Long Island and while the two don’t really compare, I do remember waking up on a summer day and going down the block to the water.  We lived off a tributary that separated Oceanside and Baldwin.  I loved waking up and getting out early when the sun had just come up and the neighborhood was still asleep. It was so peaceful. I lived in a small community where everyone knew everyone and people rallied around each other in their time of need.  It is sad that you don’t see this sense of community as much anymore.  Many people don’t even know any of their neighbors. I have included a picture of the Nathan’s which was one of only two.  The original was in Coney Island.  It was sad when the restaurant was torn down and a fast food Nathan’s took its place.  SO NOT THE SAME. The big treat in my family was having dinner there on a summer evening.  It didn’t happen often but when it did my brother and I was thrilled.

Charlotte and Nicole had been estranged for years but then Nicole reached out to Charlotte to help her write a local cookbook.  Nicole is a blogger with a big following. The cookbook is to feature local recipes from Quinnipeague where they both had spent many summers together. The two girls are almost considered islanders.

Charlotte is a journalist travelling all over the world.  Charlotte agrees even though she is still haunted by guilt due to an event that occurred ten years ago.  Once there they fall into their old relationship. As a bonus Charlotte discovers Leo.  All is calm for awhile until Nicole unburdens herself and Charlotte follows her lead.  I will say no more.

Here are just a few of the comments we made for the publisher.

We all agreed that our favorite characters of the book were Leo followed by Charlotte and of course the lovable dog Bear.  We all could see why the two were so attracted to each other especially since their family life growing up was completely dysfunctional. Talking about Leo naturally led us to talk about the character Cecily his Mom.  We all felt that her story was not discussed enough in the book and that her life would have made a wonderful addition to the story. It would have given us more insight into what made Leo tick.  Maybe that can be part of another book.

This is a good book if you just want to escape for a few hours.  It’s a good read for the beach or an airplane ride. We enjoyed it!


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Harold and Maude

Eccentric is probably the best word that I can use for this black comedy romance directed by Hal Ashby and released in 1972.  I had not seen this movie when it was released in 1972 but my daughter who is an electronic media and film major could not stop talking about it.  It was one of the movies she watched in class and after she told me about it, I ordered it from

Harold is a death obsessed 19 year old and surprisingly some of the funniest parts of the movie are his staged attempts at killing himself.  At first I was stunned at the great lengths he went to stage his death but actually it became hilarious when you realize if he really wanted to kill himself he would have long ago.

He meets Maude a 79 year old soon to turn 80 senior at a funeral and there is an instant connection between them, a spark; and so starts this quirky romance between them.  The most important lesson she teaches him is to live life to the fullest because she has and she has no regrets.  The escapades these two experience together are just plain fun. She decides to save a tree from life in the city so she gets harold to help her find a new home and gain its freedom only to be chased by a policeman.  She thwarts the attempt by Harold's uncle to have him join the military, clearly not a good choice for Harold.  And it just goes on and on.

An added bonus to this movie is the soundtrack.  The music is sung by the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens a very popular musical artist of the seventies.  Some of the tracks are from his triple platinum album Tea for the Tillerman.  In total there are nine of his songs as part of the movie.

At the time of the release of this film, it was classified as a cult film. I can see why.  I really like the movie and though I did not read the book, it does qualify as a romance albeit not your typical one. Watch it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Where's the Beef?

Please Sir Can I have some more Kale? MORE KALE??????

Remember that famous line from a fast food restaurant where this adorable little senior citizen walks up to the counter of a fast food restaurant and demands to know where the beef was.  Who can forget it she was just so emphatic.  If you don't remember that commercial maybe you are just too young.  Well just recently I read that a public school, yes I did say public school in Queens, New York, has gone vegetarian and OMG the students actually like it.  The school system stays within their food budget and everyone is happy.  The ones seeming to have the problems are parents not the kids.  A parent in Doncaster smuggled in some greasy food I guess because she thought her poor child was going through some kind of fat withdrawal.  Shame on her!

The great thing about this whole "movement to go vegetarian" is maybe there is some hope that the American diet can be changed and the change can be brought about by our kids.  Of course parents have to cooperate but it could happen right? After all Americans have problems with cholesterol and other dietary related problems.  This could help that as well especially when habits are formed in youth.

With the price of beef and other animal base proteins on the rise, going vegetarian seems like a good idea.  My problem is I really don't know how to cook vegetarian dishes so that they are appealing and varied.  But in the article they talked about a black bean and cheese quesadilla.  That sounds easy and yummy for that matter.  Maybe I can start small.   I have attached the link below if you would like to read the article.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sunday Notes on Monday

So last week I told you that I have started to play this little game with myself. Every Sunday the first section that I read of the Washington Post is the Outlook section, it contains the book section. I go to the last page and read the Washington Bestseller list. This week the bestseller list focused on Hardbacks but it alternates between paperbacks and hardcover.  I won’t go over how I score my game you can find that information on my May 5th blog. 

So here is how I did this week.  Well not so good.  I scored only two points.  One point for Gone Girl (please check my blog post dated Dec 11th) and Whiskey Beach.  I must admit I am only half way through Whiskey Beach which is a Nora Roberts romance so really I guess I should give myself a half of a point for that one. Stay tuned for my post on that book. I received no bonus points for non-fiction.

Number one on the list is 12th of Never by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro.  I just don’t read his books because he churns out new books constantly.  I am pretty sure I read that his co-author writes the book in his style and he reads them and edits them or tweaks them and then puts his name on them.  Not sure I like that concept too much.

There are a few books on the list that I have added to my must read list Paris by Edward Rutherford and The Hit by David Baldacci. So look keep an eye out for on blog for these titles to be discussed.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Beautiful Ruins

By Jess Walter

This book has all the elements of a summer read/romance and it is not a sappy romance, but it is lifetime movie material. Nothing wrong with that.

This beautiful American, Dee, appears on a boat that carries her to a remote inlet on the Italian coast.  She is seen approaching by Pasquale who just happens to own the only hotel in the village.  This village is literally dying with all the young people going off to bigger cities in Italy.  Of course Pasquale is enamored with this beautiful woman who turns out to be an actress in the movie Cleopatra being filmed in Italy.  This isn’t just a version of Cleopatra; it is THE version of Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. She gets “sick” and is told by the doctor that her symptoms seemed to be similar to someone with Cancer and the producer then has her whisked off to somewhere remote where she will then be taken to Switzerland for “treatment”. 

She and Pasquale develop a friendship. But they end up going separate ways and so it is unclear what might have happened.  Fast forward fifty years and the story picks up in Hollywoods and the States. It is not as predictable as I thought it might be but there are not all that many surprises either.  It does make you think about things that may have been different if you had stayed with someone you met when you were younger. I thought the characters were well developed and the story flowed well with just a few slow spots.  It is worth reading.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Summer Reads

As you all know I am always looking for great books to read.  Well summer is coming and I feel more compelled than ever to find good summer reads.

 I hate the heat of a summer day but I do like the fact that for some reason summer does provide more opportunities to kick back a little and enjoy life.  I guess it is because summer is synonymous for the beach.  I mean of course you can go to the beach any time of the year that you want, especially if you want to get on a plane and find some spectacular island, but it is only in summer that the majority of the United States beaches become destination spots for vacation. Also since school is out most families plan their vacations in the summer. So whether you are planning a vacation away or a “staycation” most likely you will have a little more time to relax, pour yourself your favorite beverage and read a good book.

That is why, in addition to finding a good romance novel, I am also on a quest for some good summer reads and if a book has the elements of both then great I will have found a bonus.  So wish me luck and stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thyme for Sage Advice

Once again I found an interesting article in the Living Local section of the Washington Post. It is a follow up to my previous blog on planting herbs. If you get the Washington Post, it was published on May 2. I have also included several links by this same author and a link to a video with Adam Pyle who is a horticulturist at the U.S. Botanic Garden in case you are not in an area where the Post is not available.  

The article talked about growing herbs in pots which is exactly what I had planned to do. The article gives herb combinations and Adam Pyle's combo is exactly what I planted so I am happy that my choices mesh well. So if you need some quick info because these articles discuss just the basics follow the links and enjoy.

What the pros grow

Potting an Herb garden 101 video by Adam Pyle

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunday Notes on Monday


Sunday Notes on Monday

Because I read so much, I am always curious about what other people are reading. Needless to say when I am talking to friends and acquaintances I unusually spend a few minutes talking about books. Last night was no exception. My husband and I were having dinner with our close friends and she brought up a book. I can guarantee you this, the book she suggested is now on my list and I will let you know about it in my blog after I read it. 
I have started to play this little game with myself. Every Sunday the first section that I read of the Washington Post is the Outlook section, it contains the book section. I go to the last page and read the Washington Bestseller list. This week the bestseller list focused on paperbacks but it alternates between paperbacks and hardcover. 

The top ten books are spotlighted in each category, fiction and non-fiction. The rules of my game are to have read 30% of the books on the fiction list, ten are listed. So I get one point per book and I give myself a bonus point for each book after the 3 and I get a bonus point if I read any of the non-fiction. I guess it is just my way of checking to see if I am in touch with what other people are reading. 

Let me clarify one thing as I step onto my soap box to make my point. Sometimes when I read the list I get really ticked off because it seems that the top books are written by the same authors over and over again. Don't get me wrong I like a lot of these authors but it just makes me mad that the publishing industry is sticking to publishing safe choices and may be missing out on some really great new authors. Publishers step out of your comfort zones! Give the new guys and gals a chance. I think that is why many authors who are struggling to get published are using different avenues to get their works published i.e. One further comment on this game, if I don't reach my goal I try to look at what I have been reading lately. Many times I find that I am reading things that are a little older or not so mainstream and then I pat myself on the back and say good for you. There are other books in the world and just because they are not on the bestseller list SO WHAT! I will now get off my soap box. 

Anyway the results from my game this week are that I have read three out of the top ten paperbacks. They are The Great Gatsby, number 1(every High School Student during the time I was in High School read that book and saw the movie with the then Heart throb Robert Redford), The Forgotten, number 3 and Beautiful Ruins, number 6.  And just an FYI, Beautiful Ruins will appear on my blog next Saturday, May 11th. This week I earned a bonus point because I have read one of the books on the non-fiction list Wild:  From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail.  My blog on this book was published April 4th, you may want to check it out.

All in all I did ok.  So stay tuned for the results of my Sunday game next Monday.  Have a great week.



Sunday, May 5, 2013

Your Backyard Herb Garden

Your Backyard Herb Garden: A Gardener's Guide to Growing Over 50 Herbs Plus How to Use Them in Cooking, Crafts, Companion Planting and More

My motto is you can never grow too much Basil.  During the summer months I am a Basil fanatic.  Until last year all I grew was Basil.  But this year I am breaking out of my Basil rut.  Don’t get me wrong, I am still a Basil fanatic and I still plan to plant a lot of Basil but in addition to Basil I plan on growing Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano and Lavender.  I am also thinking cilantro since I love salsa.

I like this book because it talks about growing herbs as well as cooking with them and it gives good advice like start small and choosing herbs that you will use. It also has a very handy chart I think the herbs I have chosen are definitely ones that I will use. Let’s start with Basil, yum, pesto, pesto, and pesto. Pasta and Pesto.  Pesto and Pasta.  It just rolls off the tongue.  It’s like peanut butter and jelly. It is my go to meal in the summer.  Throw in some grape tomatoes and you have a great quick and easy dinner.  I make chicken, ho hum.  Not is the summer, marinate chicken in some olive oil, with kosher salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme than throw that on the grill.  Again, a great dinner.  And that same marinade tastes good on zucchini or eggplant.

And just lately I have started making my own pizza having had lessons from the pizza master (you know who you are).  Fresh Basil, fresh tomatoes, fresh mushrooms on a fresh pizza crust!  OMG. Divine.  And I can assure you my foodie friends and West Virginia Wine Women have sooooo many better recipes than I.

Alas I have a limited repertoire when it comes to finely seasoned dishes and so I am hoping this book expands my knowledge and helps me create wondrous culinary delights. There are sections on drying and freezing herbs meaning I might be able to create my new found dishes during the winter.  Ah Lovely!

 I will get back to you on that one

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Porch Lights

By Dorothea Benton Frank

Here is Book 1 in my quest to find a good romance novel.  Jackie is a military nurse with three tours in the Middle East; her husband is a New York firefighter. They have one young son. Jackie makes it back to the states but sadly her husband is killed in the line of duty.

Jackie’s parents are separated.  In fact, her father, Buster walks out on her mother, Annie the day after Jackie’s wedding almost eleven years ago.  Jackie heartbroken by the death of her husband decides to take her son, who is also having trouble dealing with his Dad’s Death, to visit her mother on Sullivan Island. 
 It just so happens that living right next door to Annie is a handsome, mature doctor who just happens to have lost his wife in a boating accident.  Hankies out please.  They meet and of course Jackie wants nothing to do with him.  But stuff happens and maybe she will change her mind.  And did I forget Buster decides to come back to spend time with his grandson.  Will he and Annie get back together?  Will Jackie and her son ever return to resume their life in New York?  Will Jackie finally have a change of heart about the handsome doctor?  Check it out but I can tell you this is not the great romance novel I was looking for.  It is however, an easy and mindless read.  And her writing style is not bad.  My quest continues.