King and Maxwell is a new novel by David Balducci and it is good. I really like his novels a lot. My first Baldacci novel was Zero Day which introduced the character John Puller. It was a great book. Check my post from September 22, 2012 to see what the book was about. This one is good as well.
Sam Wingo is career military and believes in his country. He is sent on a top secret mission in the mideast which goes horribly wrong. When he contacts his superiors they blame the failure of the mission on him and tell him to come in. He knows if he comes in he will be locked away forever. He goes off the grid and is determined to clear himself of any wrong doing.
King and Maxwell are private investigators. They are driving home one evening in a heavy down pour and they spot a teenager(Tyler Wingo) running for his life. Maxwell chases after him. Turns out his father is in the military and he has just gotten word that his Dad was KIA, Killed in Action. The investigators drive him home and Maxwell hands him her card Tyler ends up calling her and asking if they would take him on as a client. Seems he is not totally satisfied with the answers to questions he has regarding his Dad's death. In fact he received a coded message from his Dad after he was allegedly reported dead.Something just doesn't add up. It starts getting extremely interesting when Homeland Security strong arms King and Maxwell to back off.
One of the interesting phrases used in this book is that Homeland Security trumps constitutional rights. I am a very strong believer in the constitution and it worries me that certain government agencies have a lot more authority to take action in the name of keeping people safe. Don't get me wrong I think there needs to be a certain amount of vigilance on the part of these agencies to deter terrorist threats. Unfortunately this is a double edged sword since it seems to keep Americans safe certain privacy and freedom is taken away. But that is a separate topic of debate. Read the book it is good.
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