Pancakes, the mere mention of that word makes me smile. My Dad did not cook when I was growing up except for making pancakes on Sunday morning. It wasn't every Sunday morning mind you. After all I grew up in New York and Sundays usually meant bagels, lox and cream cheese which was alright by me since that was my favorite breakfast. Still is.
Anyway. Every couple of weeks my Dad would wake up on a Sunday morning and make pancakes. Thank goodness for Aunt Jemima cause I don't think Dad would have made those pancakes if not for the mix. So he would start making pancakes and we would all come to the table for breakfast. I was not a big pancake eater. I was always watching my weight so on pancake breakfast days I usually took the opportunity to opt out with a single slice of toast or ate just one pancake. My brother on the other hand liked pancakes. So my Dad would ask my brother do you want one pancake or two. Usually my brother would eat two and be done with it. He was small with limited stomach capacity. But one Sunday he decided he was starving and wanted four. Maybe he was going through a growth spurt. Who knows.
My Dad had a rule. Take what you eat, Eat what you take. My brother knew the rules and still insisted on four. He ate them all by god but just as he finished the last bite he bolted from the table and ran to the bathroom. You have all heard the expression he tossed his cookies. Well he tossed his pancakes.
Years later when I was home on Break from college my Dad woke me up from a wonderfully sound sleep on a Sunday morning insisting I come down and join them for breakfast. No matter how I tried to convince him I wanted to skip breakfast he would not hear of it. So down I went, the family gathered around the table. I did notice that my brother passed on pancakes that morning and I think but I am not sure that he hasn't eaten many pancakes since then.
I like pancakes. My Dad hasn't made them for years. But occasionally I will go to IHOP and have a pancake or two. I hate to say this Dad but IHOP makes better pancakes.
Why am I talking about Pancakes. There was an article about making pancakes from scratch and it just brought bake the memory. Here is the link to that articles
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