Monday, June 29, 2020

The Death of a Cake during the time of COVID

I am devastated to find out that Costco (sob) is no longer  carrying its amazing half sheet cake.  The cake I have bought for high school and college graduations.  The cake I have bought for a colleague who was leaving.  The cake I have bought for friends birthdays. The cake I have bought for baby showers and engagement parties.  That beautiful cake with the delicious frosting and devastating cream center that could be personalized for any occasion.

The reasoning behind not baking this cake anymore is,  according to Costco  " is to limit personal contact and create more space for personal distancing and reduce services in certain departments"  Another particularly lame reason, to discourage crowds.  I order it when I have 8 to 10 people over and send cake home with whoever wants it. Last I heard we are in phase 2 and 3 so a gathering that small with social distancing is still ok.

Not only did they stop carrying it, they might not bring it back. (sob). I don't think it has anything to do with social distancing.  I think it has more to do with mathematics.  Lets see, the sheet cake serves 50 people and costs 20 dollars. The 10 inch round serves 12 and costs almost the same.  How many rounds would it take to feed 50 people and how much more would the consumer have to pay?

It is so sad that in this time of COVID not only do we have to wear masks, not hug dear ones, have no sporting events and have to social distance, we now have to face life with out the Costco half sheet cake.  I am not sure how this is going to work for me. Imight have to sell our Costco stock.

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