Email my second most favorite form of communicating. I bet you thought it would be number one on my list and it is if I want to send a lengthy note to friends ,family and business acquaintances. However texting is my number one favorite type of electronic communication. Its short, its sweet its quick and you better believe its traceable although it is the first two reasons that I like it so much.
At work I prefer email when I am communicating with my colleagues. Why because it leaves a trail. If I email and someone claims I never got back to them, all I have to do is print off the email. It is date and time stamped and has the email address to prove when and where it was sent and what I said.
I don't know how many of you watch any of the many crime shows on television. Most if not all use surveillance footage and all forms of electronic communication to catch the bad guys. This technologic world is a good and bad thing. It is great when you are trying to trace someone's steps. It is bad when the communication contains sensitive information and gets into the hands of the wrong people. Look at all the recent security breaches in some of these big companies such as Sony and Target.
And if you think your data or your computer is safe think again. My belief is any system can be hacked if you have someone or ones with determination. I mean just look at what McGee and Abby from NCIS can find out by analyzing data and electronic footprints and these are characters on a show. There are real life characters that can do the same thing. If you want to read an interesting book on hackers and virus read Countdown to Zero Day. It is downright scary.
I find it funny that the US government thinks its email servers are more secure than Hilary Clinton's. I doubt it. I don't believe that even the best security experts in the government believe that the US email servers are immune from hackers.
I found an interesting article you may want to read Emails secure? The moral of this story, don't put anything in an email that you don't want someone to see.
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