I have had Gray Mountain on my reading list forever. I enjoy reading John Grisham novels so I picked this one up and started to read. It is everything you would it expect from a Grisham novel. Samantha works for a large Wall Street law firm in the real estate division far from the world of litigation. She has been there a year or so and then the real estate market crashes. I am sure many of you are familiar with this subject and the year 2008 since it sent the United States into a recession.
She loses her job. But her firm agrees to pay her medical insurance if she volunteers her time. The law firm sends her a list of potential places but only one takes her up on her offer, a legal aid clinic in Brady West Virginia. So she packs up her things and off she goes. There she is exposed to the dark side of the coal industry. While she has never done litigation a man walks into the clinic and she is hooked. She takes on his case and a huge law firm and her life changes.
In reality it changed the minute she drove into Brady. This book has some of the elements of the Runaway Jury by Grisham. In that case, the tobacco industry was the bad guy and rightfully so. It is a good book if you like Grisham and I do.