I picked up this
book on a fly by. You know you are in
the library and you go past the new fiction section and a book pops out at
you. That’s what I mean by a fly by. I buzzed the book shelf and there was Cross
Road. The title appealed to me and I
checked it out. Once I started reading
the book, I realized this book was much more religiously oriented than my usual
read. I decided to continue reading
Essentially the
book is about Tony Spencer a man who is heinous. Maybe heinous is too harsh a
word never the less he is a pretty horrible individual. He is awful to everyone
he knows and I mean everyone.
One day he
collapses and ends up in a coma in the hospital. He ends up taking what I will call a spiritual
journey. He does this in what I think is
a very humorous aspect of the book, by inhabiting other people’s bodies. Don’t get me wrong he does not take the body
over he just sits inside their heads and talks to them.
He is caught in
the in-between life where he meets certain individuals who help him make peace
with his life. It is a most intriguing
journey. This author wrote The Shack
which many of you may have already read.
If you have read that book than you are familiar with where the author
is going with his writing.