Sunday, May 18, 2014

Foodie Friends Heads Up it is Shoofly pie!

I am so excited to share this article with you and here is why.  When I was young my parents, brother and I went on a road trip to the Pennsylvania Dutch country.  It was so beautiful and so peaceful.  Of course we went to the Amish farm to get a glimpse of what life is like but mostly we just drove around.  We were only there for the day.

But here my foodie friends is what  really qualifies this as part of my foodie quest. While driving around we found this restaurant called Plain and Fancy.  Many of you might know this place.  As a kid I thought this place was great.  Everyone sat at long communal tables and waitresses brought out platters of fried chicken, bowls of mashed potatoes, green beans and corn.  For someone from a small family where dinners were relatively sane, this world of insanity and noise was wonderful.  We sat at a table with people who had come from many different states. Everyone talked to each other. We ate fried chicken.  We never ate fried chicken at home.  Kentucky Fried chicken was off limits to us.  There was a strict no fast food policy at my house.  My Mom was one of the original pioneers of the healthy eating movement.  Most everything we ate was cooked from scratch.

And here is the best part.  At the end of the meal there were a variety of desserts served, that cherished ending to this delicious meal.  There were different cakes and pies but the pie that caught my eye was shoofly pie.  I am thinking the pie got its name because the person baking the pie would set it out on the back porch to let it cool.  Because the pie had such a high sugar content it would attract flies.  As the person carried the pie back in the house to serve it to the family they would be swatting the flies away and say "Shoo fly don't be botherin my pie"  Good story right?

So here is the link to this article about shoofly pie and Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking.  Included are recipes.  There is one for shoofly pie.  I made it and it came out pretty good.  Hope you enjoy the article and the pie.

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