The first Day of Spring is March 20th. I am not rushing the seasons. I think I am one of the few people on earth who like winter. I even like snow with two caveats, I don't like to drive in it and I don't like to shovel it. But I love to watch it fall as I sit in my family room and I do love to walk in it. Once again we are on snow watch here in the Mid Atlantic. They are saying a potential of four to eight inches. My hope is that if it snows it snow a little so driving to work is not a nightmare or that it snows a lot and I can't get out of my neighborhood. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
If you have been reading my blog by now you know that every Sunday I play this little game with myself. On Sunday the first section that I read of the Washington Post is the Outlook section, it contains the book section. I go to the last page and read the Washington Bestseller list. This week the bestseller list focused on Hard covers but it alternates between paperbacks and hardcover. You can check my scoring system on the May 6th post.
This week I have read only one of the books on the list The Invention of Wings by the same author who wrote Secret Life of Bees and The Mermaid Chair. While I loved Secret Life of Bees I was a little disappointed in her second book so I hesitated a little when I saw this book. It did not disappoint. I will be blogging about it this week. I also picked up a Danielle Steele book. Actually it was a book on CD. I have been doing a lot of driving and needed something very light. This was very light I mean very light. But I will talk about it this week. If you need something light and fluffy this is certainly a potential choice.
This past week I read Songs of Willow Frost and was pleasantly surprised. The main characters are Liu Song and her son. The story is a sad one of a young Chinese girl who is taken advantage of by her step father and gets pregnant. She chooses to keep her son and tries desperately to make a life for them both. Unfortunately the odds are against her. I really liked the book.
Got a lot of good stuff on my list so I haven't decided what I will choose to read this week. So Happy reading and have a great week

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