It is hard to believe that 2013 will be over at midnight tomorrow. Personally I am glad, I have no problem saying goodbye to the year. It just seems that years that end in an odd number aren't as much fun as those that end in an even year. That's a ridiculous statement but none the less I will stick with it and hope that 2014 turns out to be a good one.
So if you have been reading my blog by now you know that every Sunday I play this little game with myself. On Sunday the first section that I read of the Washington Post is the Outlook section, it contains the book section. I go to the last page and read the Washington Bestseller list. This week the bestseller list focused on paperbacks but it alternates between paperbacks and hardcover. You can check my scoring system on the May 6th post.
I met my goal this week having read 3 out of the ten but the books on the list were not that exciting. I did manage to add one to my must read list Where'd You Go, Bernadette. I am always glad when I can add a new book to my must read list. Lucky for me that list never grows any shorter. I would be lost without a good book to read.
This week I am finishing up the book Deadline by Sandra Brown. I have read several of her books and I like her. This book has a mystery, some murders, a suicide or was that a murder too and of course a little romance. It is always good to have a little chemistry going between characters. So look for that post mid week. Two books that I have in my reading queue are Tell The Wolves I am Home which by the way is for my book club this month and The Final Cut which is written by Catherine Coulter. If you have been reading my Blog I have talked about her books before and enjoyed them. Again they contain mystery, adventure, murder and chemistry.
So I leave you all by saying have a safe New Year's Eve and a Healthy and Happy New Year. And to all of you who have been reading my blog thank you. Have a great year!

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