Sunday, June 2, 2013

Half Iney Half Outy


The other day I blogged on whether or not I was going to entertain my dinner guests al Fresco or indoors. I decided to do both indoors and out.  To keep it casual I set the table in my morning room instead of my dining room.

I started with a happy hour set up on my deck and than we moved indoors.  It worked out very well.  The day, which had started out dull and dreary seemed to perk up around 6 pm. This gave me and my guests about an hour or so to have a cocktail or two with some cheese and crackers and a seafood dip with pita chips before continuing on to the next course.  It also provided me  with company while I grilled my citrus chicken and roasted zucchini making it so much easier and more fun to cook. I rounded out the meal with a pesto pasta. 

We then moved inside to eat dinner where I had set the table in black and white with red accents.  The picture above was as I was setting my table. The picture here is one of my napkin holders which I love dearly.

My friend was in charge of making the apple martinis a task she does so well.  I will tell you that she uses midori and some white cranberry juice to round out the vodka and the apple pucker. I have to say that Absolut is my favorite vodka, very smooth and good at melting stress away as it glides into your blood stream by way of your stomach. And of course you can NOT! repeat NOT! forget the cherry. The picture below is one taken at another gathering but you can see the beauty of the green and red.  Soooooo very good. My thanks to the bartender and all my friends.


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