Tuesday, July 7, 2020

An Exercise Companion in the time of COViD

Our last picture of Josh

I have a fit bit.  It was a gift from my husband.  I love it because it tracks the things I want information on or should I say confirmation on.  It tracks how much I move, how many calories I burn and how much I sleep. 

My job has me sitting at a desk all day.  When you work in IT you tend to be glued to a screen and not move as much as you should.  So I am glad that my Fit Bit reminds me to get up and walk.

Counting calories during this time of COVID is more important to me now than before.  Working for a healthcare organization where IT needs literally change every fifteen minutes is stressful.  I try not to snack but sometimes it is difficult to avoid. I try to make healthy choices but sometimes a handful of blueberries is not as good as potato chips. 

That is why the calorie counter on the Fit Bit is so great.  I try to stay within 1200 calories but when I don't make it, I then try to up my exercise and calorie burn.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

As for sleep, that's a joke.  I use to be an 8 hour a day sleeper but lately if I get four hours I am not necessarily happy but I can deal with it.

We had a dog named Josh.  He was more of a child that never grew up than a dog.  But  just like the dog in this video, he felt like he had to be down on the floor with me when I did sit ups and push ups.  Notice the dog is exercising side by side.  Josh was usually in my face or laying on me because usually when I was on the floor I was playing with him or relaxing with him, his head in my lap. Sometimes working out was a struggle around him.  I miss that dog, he passed away from cancer.  We haven't had the heart to get a new dog yet but we are working towards it. 

Gotta go, my Fit Bit sent me a warning that I need 50 steps more this hour.  Love it!

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