Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Time traveler from the Past (Lightning)

I admit I am not a big Dean Koontz but I loved this book.  I loved it so much I read it twice and I could probably read it again. Go figure.  I guess my fascination for this book is based on the fact that I really wish that we could go back and forth through time.  Imagine there is moment that you wished you could change.  It may not be a big change, you may just want to tweak an event ever so slightly.  You go back, do your tweaking and voile come back to the present. The other reason for reading it twice, I really liked the story.

There is a problem with this tweaking of time even if it is a small tweak. There are consequences for every action you make no matter how large or how small.  I believe in destiny and I believe you can't change your destiny.  What I do believe is that you can make the path to your destiny better or worse, easier or harder.

This book is all about time travel with specific travel between Hitler's Germany and the US in the 80's.  A man keeps appearing in Laura's life.  He is her guardian angel and he shows up when she needs help.  

It started at her birth. There was a horrible storm and strangely enough a crack of Lightening.The doctor who had been drinking  heavily was warned not to show up at the hospital by this "angel". Laura was delivered by another doctor.  Her birth was a normal one.  It would not have been had the original doctor shown up. 

Even with a guardian angel her life was hard.  So many things happened to her but because of this time traveler the road she traveled was much different than had she been left to travel it with no intervention. The question is were the changes made by the intervention good or bad?

 Check out the book Lightning

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