I was so glad to read this article. I mean I was really glad to read this article. Why because there is data showing that Millennials are not the only ones who make certain choices especially if they are a city dweller.
Zipcars has been doing an annual study. In case you are not familiar with Zipcar, it is a perfectly brilliant concept. Cars are available to you by the hour or day. Gas and insurance is included. They are perfect for the city dweller who usually relies on public transportation to get around on a day to day basis but might want to have a resource available if they want to go to a place more difficult to reach. It certainly takes the trouble of car ownership like finding a place to park and the cost of car payments and insurance off the table. It is a freeing concept. Now you can go where you need to go when you need to go with less hassle. Car rental companies can be so hard to work with, really!
This year's study update shows that the decision not to own a car really does not have as much to do with age as previously thought. Being a former city dweller I am in total agreement. Having lived in several cities, dealing with finding a parking spot for my car everyday was a pain. In fact in Frankfurt my car was towed because it was parked in the wrong place. Try dealing with a tow lot when you have limited command of the German language. Es war nicht lustig! For that matter, it's not fun in the DC area. Look what happened to the ESPN reporter Britt Henry.
This is a chart from the article. The question asked is regarding which piece of technology would have the greatest negative impact on you if lost. I have got to say I totally agree with the results and I am not a Millennial. In order to do my job I need my phone. Granted my work phone is a Samsung Note 3 (Love!) so it is a combination tablet\phone but I would be lost without it. I have internet capability, Google maps for when I need to be driving all over the place and connectivity to work and it is so light. Oh yes and if I am caught waiting for something or someone, I can reduce my stress level by playing words with friends or reading but of course I do that on my personal phone also a Samsung Galaxy (love). I know the Millennials are a fascinating bunch but bottom line don't make assumptions on just age. I am sure Zipcar is happy to service all ages.

Here is the link for the article Millenials are not alone
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