Can a house be "alive"? Do its present and former occupants breathe life into this inanimate structure? Growing up I sometimes felt the energy of people who had lived there before. Well maybe one person that had lived there before, a woman. My Mom felt her presence as well and we named her Fifi. (pronounced feefee). We even knew what she looked like because there was a charcoal sketch of her in the laundry room in the basement. It was there from the day we moved in and was still there when we moved out. One I asked my Mother why she never took the picture down. She said because Fifi kept her company while she did the laundry.
In A Sudden Light the Riddell House has a very
big role in the plot. Trevor and his Dad
Jones go to Riddell house for the Summer presumably to sell it. Jones needs the money since his business
failed and so it would appear has his marriage.
Trevor is 14 and has never been to this house or met the Grandfather and
Aunt living there. Jones has not wanted
to return here and there are obviously bad memories of things that happen. It seems he may not move on with his life if
he can't reconcile his feelings about events that have taken place her in the
Odd things are
happening in the house. Things are
disappearing. Little things that you
would miss and Trevor sees and hears people.
People who he does not believe are still alive. For more info on this book follow this link A Sudden Light
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