It is
Christmas. It is snowing but who cares
you have a four wheel drive. However, Mother Nature doesn't care about your
four wheel drive and you get stuck. You
wade through the snow that is now so high it is exhausting to walk and then you
fall. You think to yourself I will never
get up. I am going to freeze and be
covered by snow never to see my loved ones again. But then you feel a warm breath on your face. No it is not human it is a dog. This dog leads you to the safety of a warm
inviting house with a fireplace, a Christmas tree, something that smells delicious
and the icing on the cake, Mr. Gorgeous. This is Morgan's Christmas tale. I left out some of the important details so
you will read this gooey Christmas romance.
I give it a half
of a Ho in my Ho Ho Ho rating scale
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