Monday, January 26, 2015

Sunday Notes on Monday

 Snow.  Here we go again.  Winter is setting in.  I woke up this morning and while it is snowing here in the Mid-Atlantic it is not sticking YET.  I understand Boston, NYC and Long Island which I hold near and dear to my heart since I grew up there are going to get clobbered.  They are expecting a Nor'Beaster or at least that is what the meteorologist are calling it on the news. I tis still messy here.

There is always some good and bad when it snows.  The bad part of snow is driving in it.  The good part is if it happens on a weekend and I am off and don't have to worry about my family  being out there or I don't have to drive anywhere. The good part is if it is snowing so hard that everything gets shut down.  I was hoping for the shutdown scenario this morning but unfortunately that did not happen.

Being stuck inside gives me the excuse to curl up in front of our fireplace and read. I can read for hours but you all know that  about me already.  Last night I stayed up pretty late and almost finished the book Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty who also wrote the book The Husband's Secret which I talked about in a past blog post.  Once I got wrapped up in the characters I couldn't put the book down until I fell asleep.  I will blog about it on Saturday.  I also started the book Us about a marriage on the brink. The book is narrated from the man's perspective, a man who loves his wife very much and will do what it takes to keep the relationship going.  Interesting book. Stay tuned for my post on that book.

So if you get stuck in the house, hope you have a good book.  If you are out and about stay safe.

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