Sunday, January 25, 2015


So it is January.  So people make resolutions, so what.  I had no plans to make any New Year's resolutions until I read about the 51 Foodie Resolutions and thought what fun.  Believe me, I can use some fun right about now and I bet there are some of you who could do with fun as well. Below is a list of the resolutions I liked and their order Number on the list.  I have picked the ones that seem to be a good fit for me and seem the most fun.  I will not be doing them in any particular order that would be too boring.

1. Clean Out and Reorganize your Fridge
3. Learn a New Cooking Technique
4. Go Meatless on Monday for a month
5. Flip over fried eggs without breaking the yolk
6. Make tomato sauce from scratch
9. Read a non-fiction food book
10. Slow cook a recipe
11, Visit a winery and/or brewery
13. Cook a whole grain new to you
14. Bake bread from scratch
16. Make a layer cake from scratch
21. Host a dinner party
22. Clean out your spice rack
25. Visit your neighborhood farmers market
26. Make a souffle
31. Make homemade macaroni and cheese
32. Learn to cut a whole pineapple
38. Create a well stocked pantry
39. Make chicken or veggie stock from scratch
42. Make homemade pasta
43.Flip pancakes without having them fold
44. Follow a recipe to the T without making any changes
45. Caramelize onions
47.Grow something
51. Find your signature drink

So I have picked about half of the resolutions.  I might do some of the other 26 but I might not. They don't interest me as much as the ones listed above.  I started on number one because I thought that would be a slam dunk to knock off the list but have not quite finished it yet. I mean it is easy enough to throw everything out but organizing it so you stock what you need is a little harder and that is how I am interpreting the resolution.  I will show you the before and after once I am satisfied.

I did complete number 9 Read a non-fiction food book which I blogged about.  You might enjoy the book as well Provence 1970.  The next resolution I will tackle is number 10, slow cook a recipe.  I want to make something that is different from the beef stews and pot roasts I have mad in the past so I am searching for a recipe. Hopefully I will find one to talk about this week.

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