Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

In February a friend and I were talking about spirituality and she said she had this book that I needed to read. She lent me her copy, but at the time I had two books I needed to read before I could start this one. She said no rush and so it sat on my bookshelf for three weeks. I finally started to read it and as soon as I did my world seemed like it turned upside down. At first I thought what is going on but then I realized I was experiencing the First Insight and that I had delayed reading this book for a purpose. I will briefly share the First Insight with you but only briefly and you must read the book to learn about the other eight.
Before I talk about the Insights, I need to give you a brief overview of the book. The main character meets an old acquaintance on a two hour layover. She tells him about this ancient manuscript that was found in the rainforests of Peru. Its’ contents contain nine insights into life itself. The insights are sequential. In other words you must read and study them in order to really understand and move down your own spiritual journey. Those who represent organized religion fear the message in the manuscript and seek to destroy it. The author takes you on a great adventure. My personal opinion is that this journey to find and understand the insights does not change or interfere with your religious beliefs. Rather it opens your mind to possibilities.
So I promised that I would briefly discuss the First Insight but only briefly because you must read it yourself to get the full benefit of its wisdom. I also must say that the First Insight is my favorite and has helped me deal with the last several months. So the First Insight deals with coincidences or lack of them however you want to look at it. In other words life is a sequence of events. Something happens or you meet someone who you haven’t seen or spoken to in ages and the person shows up in your life again and things just start happening. You might start to question whether this event or this meeting has happened by chance and for some reason you conclude that this was not pure chance. My mantra has always been “ that things happen for a reason and a purpose”. People move in and out of your life for a reason and a purpose. This to me is the essence of the First Insight, there are no coincidences.
The best thing about the book is it makes you think. It is written like a parable, a story that illustrates instructive principles. Should you read this book I would love to get your feedback. My questions are: Do you believe in spirituality and Did this book make you think and evaluate your perceptions. Or Did you read the book and get nothing from it. Let me know.

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