Bond Girl by Erin Duffy
book literally showed up at my doorstep and I don’t mean that I ordered it
online. I am very lucky. Every so often I get to preview a book sent
to me by a publisher and this was one of those books. The book is about a women
working in what is still considered a man’s world—investing. I know this really
doesn’t fit into the romance, thriller or mystery category but it isn’t heavy
reading but it is pretty fast paced. So
I think I am going to say this can qualify as a beach
Duffy is not one of the girls she is one of the guys. We meet Alex after she has joined the firm of
Cromwell Pierce. She is assigned to the bond department and when she shows up
for her first day she is assigned a chair and that is about all. No desk, No
phone no nothing. And it’s not just any
chair it is a folding chair labeled Girlie. I think you get the picture. Her chair has no permanent place nor does
she. She is at the bottom of the
barrel, so either she works her tail off
and to make it up the food chain or she fails. Luckily she is feisty and
ambitious. Two traits I highly admire
and aspire to when I grow up.
guys put her through the paces but I definitely found myself cheering for
her. Kind of like I am woman hear me
the way she breaks some rules like the one that says DON’T GET INVOLVED WITH A CO-WORKER
which can lead to words that Donald Trump likes to use YOU’RE FIRED. I’m not saying that does happen but it
might. I will let you read the book to
find out about Alex’s journey in this jungle.
always let me know what you think
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