The Expats by Chris Pavone
OK I admit it. I am
totally addicted to House Hunters International a show about people who leave
the country they either grew up in or have lived in and call home and move to
another country. They give up the life
they are most comfortable with to experience new cultures and languages. These “transfer”
people are known as Expats.
Early in my marriage, I was an expat. My husband was in the military and we had the
good fortune to spend three years in Germany.
It was scary and exciting, but I must admit it was more exciting. We were young, flexible and adventurous and
took full advantage of the situation by travelling to as many new places as possible. It saddened me to see many of my acquaintances we hung out with,
stuck on base because they were too intimated or afraid to venture out in the
world. I mean come on, who wants to eat
Burger King on the base when a whole world of culinary delights await you just
beyond the gates. So past the gates we went. If my husband had time off from his military
duties we would say to each other what country should we visit this weekend,
this day, this hour.
Frankfurt was pretty centrally located so we could be in
France, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg in a matter of
hours. In fact we found this great bed and breakfast 20 clicks (KM) outside of
Salzburg that we would visit to de-stress. Once we became known to the owner
she treated us royally. Beautiful room
and a wonderful breakfast. We were in
heaven. It is one of my bucket list
items to live in Europe one more time.
The book The Expats
follows the Moore family. Set in Europe, this family appears to be a “normal”
everyday Washington, DC family. He(Dexter)
is a computer geek specializing in computer security, she (Kate)works for the
government. They have two kids. An opportunity comes up for Dexter to work in
Luxembourg and they jump at the chance to experience the European
lifestyle. The company contracting with
Dexter also offers him a lot of money.
Really who could possibly turn this down? So off they go. But Kate did not have an ordinary government job
and her past just be might be coming back to haunt her. The author spends
time building the story which is intriguing.
This is Chris Pavone’s second published work. For all my wine buddies his first published
work was The Wine Log: A Journal and Companion. I have not read it but this is
how Amazon description is “This beautiful two-color
journal presents all wine lovers, from the novice to the expert, with an easy
way to make wine drinking more rewarding and enjoyable.” I have added it to my reading list.
My question to you is Have you had the opportunity to live in another country? and if so where and what was it like for you?