Monday, September 21, 2020

Coca Cola


I can't lie, I am a coca cola fanatic.  I love the drink.  I love it so much I have stock in the company.

My Mom, known to everyone as Flo, was a wise woman.  We had very few items in our medicine cabinet because my Mom didn't believe in them but we did have three standard things that were always well stocked. 

These items were alka seltzer for my Dad because he had horrible stomach issues.  Aspirin because both my Mom and I suffered from migraines and flat coca cola syrup which as my Mom would say would either settle your stomach or make you vomit.  It is funny how something that tastes so great as a carbonated beverages has such power when it is just the syrup.  I can tell you that 95% of the time it made me vomit but afterwards I sure felt better.   The syrup was purchased at our local pharmacy. To this day a coke will make me feel better or the other alternative.  I don't use the syrup because I learned that whether it is carbonated or not makes no difference in its medicinal effectiveness.

Coke is good for other things too or so they say I have never used as anything other than a drink. Apparently it can add volume to your hair or you can use it to clean toilets and to think we are drinking the beverage and loving it.  Check out this link for other uses of Coca cola   

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