Often with French
cuisine the meal is centered on some type of beef, chicken or fish. This author has chosen to focus on entrees
featuring fresh produce. What I like
about this book is that it is organized by season which really helps when you
are planning your meals and you want to use readily available ingredients.
One of the
chapters I really enjoyed was the one on shopping for produce. You would think
that going to a supermarket or produce market to pick out fruits and vegetables
would be fairly straight forward, but really it is not. There is a method. One of my favorite quotes from the book is “avoid
going with a list that you follow rigidly.
Instead go with your eyes and mind wide open and let yourself be
surprises and seduced by the ingredients.”
It is almost like being a jedi knight.
You need to open yourself up to possibilities and let the force be with
you and in this case the force is your creativity.
The key to buying
produce, according to the author is to buy a combination of produce that is
sturdy and some that is fragile. Those
that are fragile would need to be used first and those that are sturdy can be
used for a longer period.
I learned a lot
reading this book and found some good vegetable recipes such as Swiss Chard
Turnovers and Vegetable Couscous
Don't take my word, check it out The French Market cookbook.
Here is another link as well that talks about produce and when they are in season Produce Seasonality
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