I found this article that Used Bookstores are making a comeback. I can't tell you how excited that made me. One of my favorite things to do was to go into a bookstore and just browse. I rarely made a visit without a book jumping off the shelf and right into my hands.
It wasn't like a needed another book since I always have a stack next to my bed. It was more like I wanted another book. That stack must stay stocked. Amazon effectively removed most of the brick and mortar stores. I am guilty of assisting with the retail store's demise. I buy most of my books online from Amazon. It is convenient, economical and quick and there are no bookstores near me.
Then I read an article that Used bookstores are making a comeback. Here is the irony. Used bookstores can beat or meet Amazon prices and here is the benefit for me, I can browse the shelves again. The only thing I wonder about is will they have the books I want to read. I guess I can take this opportunity to catch up on books I might have missed. Anyway there seems to be two used bookstores pretty close to where I leave. I guess I just might have to check them out. What do you think? Care to join me by checking one out by you?