by Rachel Bache
Some people are good at goodbyes. I am not one of them. Death is so permanent especially when you
hold someone dear to your heart. I know those you love always live in your memories but memories fad. My memory of the present really isn't great right now since my brain is overloaded but everyday "stuff". And by stuff I mean a zillion passwords, a million appointments, Knowledge I need for my job and I can go on and on. In the
Art of Saying goodbye, Paisley finds out she is dying. She is diagnosed with Cancer and it is very
Paisley lives in your typical neighborhood with your typical
neighbors. One day she decides to host a
pool party at her house in the middle of the afternoon when the kids are in
school. And so a Mom’s group is formed.
While the ladies are not best friends they do get together on a regular
basis. Paisley is clearly the catalyst for
change and in her very subtle way brings changes to each of these women. When she is diagnosed each woman handles and
deals with the news differently. I think the author captured the process of
saying goodbye fairly well.
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