Lately the books
that I have been reading have chosen me.
I have not chosen them. Often I choose
books because I like the title and the book jacket. Sometimes I don't even read the synopsis on
the book jacket. This was the case when
I chose Glitter and Glue and The Interestings. My Daughter recommended The Fault in Our Stars. All these books deal with illness and in several cases death. It is ironic that at the moment I seem to be surrounded by several people in my life battling some type of illness. The idea of losing them and never seeing them again is hard as I am sure it is for everyone.
This book deals with a man Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon who has a Near Death Experience (NDE). His brain was under attack by a very virulent strain of E. Coli and he fell into a coma. To the medical entourage taking care of him, he was brain dead remaining in a coma for seven days. But remarkably he woke up and even more remarkable was the fact that instead of waking up a vegetable he was fine. He was so fine that he wrote this most fascinating account of what Heaven was like. This account is very different from the book Proof of Heaven mainly because that was an interpretation of a child's recount.
Heaven does it exist
Heaven does it exist
I have always wondered about Heaven. As a child you are told that when someone died they went to Heaven. To me that was always a comfort knowing the person you loved was going to be ok in their new "home" in Heaven. I might eventually see people I grew up with and loved again. But as I got older this place called Heaven became more illusive and hard to believe in.
But this book has got me thinking again because his description of Heaven is very different than what we are told elsewhere. In the Heaven he describes you shed your body and become part of what I think of as a collective. Meaning you are more than just yourself. He no longer was part of a body, he was more a cosmic being. His interpretation of the world he was in was no longer filtered by the limitations of his brain and he experienced things in a different way. A way that was deeper than what he experienced on earth.
Right before he came out of the coma he did "see" a few people he knew on earth. While he was deep in coma he was guided by a "being" who stayed with him to help him through his experience. While in coma he was unable to identify this being, but once awake and given time to process things he finally was able to identify "the person". I won't tell you who the person was you need to read the book for that answer.
The book gives you a lot to think about. It certainly gave me a lot to think about. Maybe on some type of cosmic level I will be part of the new "life" of the people I loved. Maybe not. If you are curious about Heaven, you may want to read the book.
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