Sunday, March 24, 2013


Recently I wrote about a book that centered on a cupcake baker.  If you haven’t read the blog post you can find it under How to Eat a Cupcake. Now I am sure that if you have any kids you have baked cupcakes.  I myself have no idea how many cupcakes I have baked for bake sales, birthdays or holidays. Cupcakes are wonderful.  And just for a little history is seems like the cupcake was first mentioned as a notation in a book called American Cookery by Amelia Simmons in 1796.  Anyway by definition, the cupcake according to is a small cake, baked in an individual portion, baked in a cup shaped mold.  My definition is a cake just for me, just mine.

My daughter was home on spring break this week and we participated in one of our favorite pastimes retail therapy.  We decided to do this said therapy at Columbia Mall in Columbia, Maryland.  We have not been at this mall for awhile and as we were walking from one end of the mall to the either in our attempt at exercising while shopping we came upon this kiosk  on the lower level near Brookstones that had the most exquisite cupcakes.  The place is called Crumbs and if you haven’t tried it all I will say is you must! My personal favorite is a toss- up between the apple crumb cupcake and the carrot cake cupcake.  I try to rationalize that at least if you eat one of these you get some sort of fruits and vegetables but in the end you are just getting amazing cakes. Crumbs is located in thirteen states and I am including the link so you can check if there is on near you.  Also if you live in the New York City area groupon has a cupcake walking tour and one of the stops is the Crumbs bakery.   Again try it you’ll love them!

The link to Crumbs:

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