King of Tort by John Grisham
I buy books all over. Since I bought a kindle I have been doing a lot of shopping on amazon.com. I mean the thrill of getting a new book in 30 seconds is too hard to resist. BUT I must admit that I like going into thrift shops for books as well. Recently, I was in Montgomery General’s thrift shop, (whoops I mean Medstar Montgomery Medical Center) and I picked up a half a dozen books. You just can’t beat the price and I needed my book fix. Also this particular thrift shop is run by the hospital’s women board and they do some great things for the hospital. I feel it is my community duty to buy there. One thing about shopping for books in a thrift shop is the books are usually not the new best sellers so you take what you can get. I like John Grisham. My favorites of his still are The Firm, The Rainmaker and The Runaway Jury but when I found The King of Torts I decided to read it.
Briefly the story is about a young lawyer who when
we first meet him is working for The Office of the Public Defender. He has worked here for more years than he
thought he would and as lawyers go he gets paid next to nothing. One day he gets a phone call from a man to
meet him to talk about a case. They meet
and this man offers Clay a case against a drug company. Finding the money too
hard to resist he takes the case and is an overnight multimillionaire. The
money definitely changes him and his decisions are influenced by this new world
he fell into, sort of like falling down into the rabbit hole where there is a
whole new reality. Find out what happens
to Clay.

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