Friday, August 24, 2012

Hot House Orchid    by  Stuart Woods

While I have been reading lately, I have not been able to get my thoughts together to put pen to paper or should I say keystroke to keyboard.  This is due in part to it being crazy at work and crazy in my house trying to get my college student moved into an apartment.  I have made dozens of check lists tried to think about every little thing and then a voice went off in my head that said Target is only a couple of miles away.  Let it go.  So to get my creative juices flowing again I am started with some VERY Light reading.  Actually I popped another CD into my car player and listened to this one.  Having a book on CD when you are driving a lot sure helps the miles go faster or maybe it’s just that I have a heavy foot on the accelerator.  Either way the time spent in the car is more enjoyable.

If you want something with an intricate plot than this is not the book you want to choose.  But if you want something mindless while you are sitting on your deck or on that sandy beach getting in some of the last rays of summer, crack open this book or download it to your e-reader.

The setting is on or around Vero Beach in Florida.  Females are being stopped by what appears to a police in an unmarked car.  Frankly unmarked police cars scar me for just that reason and I wonder if I was alone in my car and was being pursued by an unmarked car would I stop.  My answer would probably be no.  I would whip out my cell phone, call 911 and drive to the nearest Open business or populated area or I would ask the 911 operator how I should proceed.  But that is just me.  Just curious to those of you reading this, What would you do?

Anyway, he shines a light in their eyes so they can’t see anything injects them with Rohypnol (the date rape drug) and bodies start gathering along the byways.  It just so happens that one of his first victims is Holly who happens to be an ex MP in the military and a CIA agent.  She manages not to get killed but the others are not as fortunate.  She is joined in the story by Lauren who just so happens to have served with Holly in the military.

Along with these two characters you have a list of suspects.  There is the new chief of police who by the way has not such a great history with Holly and Lauren since he was their CO when they were in the military, the former chief of police who has been promoted and heads another branch of law enforcement, the awkward detective the handsome Emergency doctor and I probably forgot a bunch.  So if mindless reading is what you want then mindless is what you will get with this book.

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