Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Broadway in 12 minutes

Being confined to my house for many hours a day gives me many hours to fill.  When the COVID outbreak started, I read mainly because I like reading, but also because reading helped me sleep at night.  I still read a lot and I share the books with you.

But even someone like me who loves to read needs other stimulation so I started watching You tube and found this video.  It is Emily Blunt, Lin Manuel Miranda and James Corden performing 22 musicals in 12 minutes in one take.

Growing up on Long Island we were just a train ride away from NYC.  Lucky for me my parents were avid theater goers so we went to see many shows. If I was asked what I wanted as a birthday gift, I always asked to go see a show. 

If you are a Broadway fan as much as I, and your want to watch something that will make you smile, then check out this You tube video. If you are a musical lover as I am than enjoy the compilation of the musicals all in 12 minutes.  It is worth your time.

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