An editor needs to get her client to finish his screen play. He is being extremely uncooperative because he has agreed to write a Rom-Com and doesn't want to do it. To help his creative juices start to flow, they agree that she would go out on dates and write about her experiences. The most important part to him is the "meet cute".
I think everyone should have at least one meet cute in their lifetime. Admittedly, I didn't even know what a meet cute was until I watched The Holiday with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz. If you haven't seen this holiday movie consider putting it on your movie watch list. I can't believe I am going to say it but it is better than a Hallmark Holiday movie (gasp I feel like a trader).
So what is a meet cute. According to Wikipedia the all knowing source of information found online, a meet cute is a scene in a tv show or film where two people who are destined for couple hood meet for the first time. There is usually humor or a cute circumstance involved.
In The Holiday, Kate Winslet's Character Iris suffers a devastating blow when her boyfriend announces his marriage to someone else at her work Christmas party. Iris decides she needs a change of scenery so she does a house swap. Her next door neighbor Arthur is a retired screen writer who introduces Iris to meet cute. Here is how the meet cute goes. A man and a woman who do not know each other both go to the pajama department in a retail store. He says to the sales person "I just need the bottoms of a pair of pajamas". She says to the same sales person, "I just need the top". Their eyes meet and there ladies and gentlemen is the meet cute.
I have a meet cute. It was Thanksgiving weekend. I went to New York for the holiday and was returning home by train. I was reading the New York Times, one of my favorite newspapers at the time. A man sat down next to me and said "Do you mind if I look at the sports section". I looked at him and said, "Sure it is the only section I don't read" and he said " It is my favorite section" That was our meet cute and now we are married. I now glance over the sports section, after so many years I feel the need to be able to keep up with my part of the conversation.
So that is the meet cute. Consider reading the book it's fun and everyone can use some fun in their lives.