There is nothing like a Stephanie Plum novel if you want to be amused . But there is a trick to reading them. I don't actually read them. I listen to them on CD. The same actor reads all of the books in this series and she has developed great voices for all the main characters. My favorites: Stephanie, the crazy Lula, Vinny's secretary Connie and Ranger. When Ranger calls Stephanie "Babe" I just can't help but laugh.
Stephanie is kind of a ditz. When I think of her character, I think of Lisa Kudrow and her character Phoebe from friends. Katherine Heigl just didn't seem right for the part when they made the movie. In fact the majority of the cast just didn't seem right. I guess it is because I formed very specific ideas of the characters in my head which did not match what Hollywood picked.
There is nothing really different about this particular book. All of them follow the same pattern. Stephanie is a bounty hunter and not necessarily a good one. However, she has Ranger who just happens to be ex-military. He is a lean mean fighting machine. He has a security company and occasionally he hires her to do a gig with him. There relationship is not strictly business. Sometimes they work on the "friendship" part of the relationship. Work buddies with benefits.
There is also Morelli who is more or less her boyfriend. In some of the books he is more of a boyfriend and some not so much. In this book, after having hot passionate sex, he tells her they should cool it for awhile. That did not go well.
The characters she goes after are quirky. In this book she is going after a college kid Gobbles and a guy name Billy Bacon. She seems to be able to find them but has a difficult time holding on to them.
If you need a laugh listen to this book on CD.